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PRE-K Level


18-36 months old

Happy Bridge Kindergarten of Shanghai is a warm and friendly place. We start the transition of children from home to school.
With a respectful and gentle attitude, teachers pay attention to the natural development of children. We help guide and accompany
children to gradually form their own personality, explore the world and start a learning journey.

activity room

Our activity room has familiar life toys for children to choose independently, play and experience. We support and guide children to experience symbols, sequences, forms and actions. The most distinctive feature of Happy Bridge Kindergarten is that the child is immersed in the English context all the time. They can perceive the language sense and semantics of oral English in listening, which makes oral English become another language that they can switch to freely. It is common for the child to suddenly pop up a "wash hands" or "sky" from their mouth from time to time.

physical exercise

The ability of large muscle groups need to be fully exercised for the continuous development of the children's coordination and stability in
moving and walking. Dragging toys, obstacle equipment and chasing toys provided by Happy Bridge Kindergarten are challenging for the
children. With the support of teachers, children can experience the joy and persistence of sports every day.

The toddler class environment is kind, natural and inclusive.